It’s always taken a lot for me to do something because of this little thing called perfectionism, with a heavy dose of imposter syndrome and doubt. Its always affected me my whole life. It stopped me from doing a lot, and I mean A LOT of things I’ve wanted to do with my life.

Being an enneagram 4, this would make sense. Type 4s strive to be perfectionists and don’t want that feeling of failure. Anything, but feeling they’ve failed. Hello, hi, me.

That is why I haven’t accomplished things I wish to achieve because if it’s not going to be perfect, I probably won’t do it and risk failing. I’ve never been the super go-getter type for reasons I can sink into another day. But over the past few years, I have begun to finally do things I genuinely want to do, putting in the effort. Not caring what others think is also something I’ve had to work my ass off to wrap my mindset around. I do things because it makes me happy, not to make others happy. I do what I want to do without thinking people will think I’m weird or “over the top.” Not always, I’m not Elle Woods from Legally Blonde, but I’ve come a long way.

Kelly Kapoor 'The Office' quote
Image owned by Reddit. I do not own this image.

I tend to write down or make notes of people, quotes, events, literally anything that inspires me, and I remember watching The Great British Bake Off one year and seeing this woman Kate compete. She was all into being the best baker she could be, despite being full-time and going to school to get her Master’s. She would still carve out time for baking every single day. So, if Kate can do all that, I could start blogging, right?

I have been thinking about creating this blog for years and knowing how much I wanted to make it work, and all the visions I had for it weren’t enough until now. This thing made me super scared. But, I’ve learned to make it happen, despite being super scared.

"Make it happen, despite being super scared."

So for what it’s worth, it’s never too late. Do what you want to do or be who you want to be. There’s no time limit. Start when you start, just when the Universe intended you to. You can change or stay the same. There is no rulebook to this life, so I hope you make the best of it. I hope you do things that startle you. I hope you feel things you’ve never felt before. I hope you live a life you are proud of, and if you’re not, I hope you have the courage to start.

So here’s to a new beginning. I’m ready for you.