Hi & Welcome to emmacreekbaum.com,

My New Blog

 Wow, that feels unthinkable to say out loud. I’m over the moon sprawled here on my couch at 3 o’clock in the morning writing this after many, many, MANY attempts to start this thing the past couple of years. Again…

To inspire others to align their purpose with passion through creativity and mindfulness by striving for authenticity

We’re Having A Baby! My Story + How We Found Out

Well, the secret is out. I can’t believe this is real life; I’m going to be a real-time mama. Keegan and I are so incredibly excited yet feeling so unprepared and overwhelmed. I started taking notes here and there when I first found out and wanted to put all of it together on my blog. So, here it is!


live in Bloomington, IN with my boyfriend Keegan and our two cats, Bruce and Kevan. And we’re expecting a baby girl this coming May!

That’s the straight forward and cute answer. The question, “Can you tell me about yourself?” has always stressed me out. It’s such a loaded question for me to wrap my brain around, really. But in all my 27 years, I think I have a bit of a purposeful answer to give now, so here it is…